Catalytic technologies development and implementation

Publications List


(in English) 


Isomerization and Reforming

for DOWNSTREAM Russia 2021 (March 2-4, Krasnodar, Russia)

SIE Neftehim Karpenko Isomerization and reforming, 2-4 March 2021, Krasnodar


Commitment to high industrial performance

Russian Business Guide, № 111-2020, p. 24-27



The official booklet SIE NEFTEHIM for Egypt Petroleum Show (EGYPS-2020)

Official booklet for the North Africa and the Mediterranean's largest oil and gas exhibition and conference Egypt Petroleum Show EGYPS-2020 (February 11-13, Cairo), 11 MB



Post-event press release for the North Africa and the Mediterranean's largest oil and gas exhibition and conference Egypt Petroleum Show EGYPS-2020 (February 11-13, Cairo)

Pipeline Oil & Gas Egypt, March 2020, 1 MB

Трубопровод SIE Neftehim post-realease EGYPTS март 2020 года


«High performance production solutions for modern motor gasoline»

Pipeline Oil & Gas Egypt, (issue EGYPS-2020), №2-2020, 1 MB

Sie neftehin pipeline feb 2020 egypts 2020 preview


«SIE NEFTEHIM: Aiming the challenges of the future»

OilMarket, №2-2019, p. 9-13, 2 MB



«ISOMALK - Moving Forward Ahead of Global Trends»

OilMarket, №1-2018, p. 26-33, 2 MB

sie neftehim Oilmarket 2018 01


«The Power of ISOMALK»

OilMarket, №1-2017, p. 24-33, 1 MB

sie neftehim Oilmarket 01 2017 power isomalk


«Enhancement of high quality motor gasoline production»
for RRTC 2017 Russia & CIS Refining Technology Conference & Exhibition

Title of presentation: Under what conditions C7-cut isomerization is required?, 1.5 MB

Author: Shakun A.N.

RRTC 2017 Enhancement of high quality motor gasoline production When C7-cut isomerization is required isomalk-4 sie neftehim


Technopolis XXI

The special issue of industrial, scientific, technical and economical development magazine, №33-2016, 6 MB

SIE Neftehim special magazine Technopolis 2016


«Isomalk-2 - leader among Russian competitve technologies of gasoline production of EURO 5 standard»

Technopolis XXI, №33-2016, 300 KB

Technopolis 2016 №33 Isomalk-2 russian leader


«Isomalk process of classic case of import substitution in Russia»

OilMarket, №1-2016, p. 32-41, 3 MB

Oil Market 01 2016 Isomalk process of classic case of import substitution in Russia


«New projects based on technologies of SIE Neftehim for production of high-quality motor gasolines»
for RRTC 2016 Russia & CIS Refining Technology Conference & Exhibition

 10 MB 

Author: Shakun A.N.

RRTC 2016 sie neftehim isomalk


Analysis of flow diagrams, showing high octane gasoline production

Source: Oil refining and petrochemistry №12 December 2013, Moscow

Authors: Shevyrin A.Y., Lisitsyn N.V., Shakun A.N., Yakovlev А.А.


JSC Bashneft-Ufaneftekhim isomerization unit revamping and С7 -isomerization as a method to increase motor gasoline production in accordance with EURO-5 standards

Source: Neftegazopererabotka - 2013, May 22, 2013, Ufa

Author: Shakun A.N.


«Russian catalysts and technologies for high-quality motor gasoline production»

Saint-Petersburg forum “Innovative technologies in the field of production and use of combustible materials and lubricants”, September 24-25, 2013, Saint-Petersburg

Authors: Shakun A.N., Fedorova M.L.


Innovative technologies for isomerization of C5-C6 fractions «Isomalk-2», C7 fractions «Isomalk-4», n-butane «Isomalk-3». Commercial experience.

All-Russian Interindustrial Conference «Gas Refining and Gas Chemistry: Innovations, Technologies, Efficiency», September 24 -28, 2013, Gelendzhik

Authors: Shakun A.N., Karpenko Т.V.


«Lighten up!»

GTC Technology US, LLC and SIE Neftehim, LLC explain how a low temperature, lighy naphtha isomerisation process benefitted the Omsk refinery, Russia, April, 2012, 1 MB

Авторы: IlyaAranovich, EmanuelReis, AlexanderShakun

Lighten up! 2012 sie neftehim


«Alexander Shakun: facts are stubborn thing»

OilMarket, 2012, №8-2012, p. 30-34, 2 MB

OilMarket, №8, 2012, с.30-34 Facti upriamaiya vesch Isomalk


 «Consolidate the positions of Russian technologies»

Technopolis XXI, №3/4-2012, 3 MB

SIE Neftehim Technopolis 2011